Luiz Claudio Valdetaro's Slot car collection of brand 'Du-Bro'

Manufacturer from USA

Last updated on February 16, 2025

1934 Ford Coupe - Racer
1934 Ford Coupe - Racer
(No Picture)

1941 Willys - Racer

(No Picture)

1955 Lotus 15 - Racer

1963 Volkswagen Beetle - Racer
1963 Volkswagen Beetle - Racer
1964 Cheetah
1964 Cheetah
1964 Cheetah - Racer
1964 Cheetah - Racer - Reproduction
1964 Cheetah - Racer
1964 Cheetah - Racer
1964 Cobra 289
1964 Cobra 289
1964 Cobra 289 - Racer
1964 Cobra 289 - Racer
1964 Cobra Coupe - Racer
1964 Cobra Coupe - Racer
1964 Lotus 30
1964 Lotus 30

Total of brand 'Du-Bro': 0 factory models, 1 reproductions, 11 total.

Great vacum-formed bodies by this factory of the 60's

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Build 1052