Luiz Claudio Valdetaro's Slot car collection of brand 'Nostalgia'

Manufacturer from Australia

Last updated on February 16, 2025

(No Picture)

1950 Alfa Romeo 158 - Racer

1962 Chaparral 1 - Racer
1962 Chaparral 1 - Racer
1963 King Cobra
1963 King Cobra
1966 Corvette Grand Sport roadster - Racer
1966 Corvette Grand Sport roadster - Racer
1967 Holmann-Moody Ford Honker II
1967 Holmann-Moody Ford Honker II
1968 Ferrari 612 - Racer
1968 Ferrari 612 - Racer
1969 Ferrari 312PB Coupe
1969 Ferrari 312PB Coupe
1971 Alfa T33/3 - Racer
1971 Alfa T33/3 - Racer

Total of brand 'Nostalgia': 0 factory models, 0 reproductions, 8 total.

Beautiful body shells made of fiberglass. Mundaroing in Australia created this brand to resell bodies by John Bacon.

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Build 1052