Luiz Claudio Valdetaro's Slot car collection of brand 'Riko'

Manufacturer from UK

Last updated on February 16, 2025

1967 Ferrari 330 P4
1967 Ferrari 330 P4

Total of brand 'Riko': 1 factory models, 0 reproductions, 1 total.

Richard Kohnstam Limited, at 13-15a High Street, Hemel Hempstead, Herts., England, was a wholesale distributor for slot racing products since at least 1962,from the earliest ad I could find. They distributed mostly Japanese and Chinese (Hong-Kong) made products, in particular the Marusan line of cars, controllers (Identical to Atlas in the States)and electric motors produced in Hong-Kong by companies in competition with Mabuchi. The cars and kits were sold under Racewell brand, powered by Rikobomb' motors (Marusan/Atlas 1/32nd pole motor) They also had Rikoflash (16D-sized motor also experimented with by Classic), Rikostreak (36D-sized Cox NASCAR-like motor) Rikochet ( Russkit 27) and Thunderbolt'(looks like a blown-up Mabuchi-Tycopro) motors. They imported Tamiya. Davies Limited. Tamiya was also distributed by BMW Models, by far the largest slot racing distributor in England in the sixties. Those Monogram-like plated chassis were also by BMW, not RiKo, and sourced in Japan. Again, it is BMW, not RiKo, that sold those Formula 32 chassis. (Contribution from Philippe de Lespinay)

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Build 1052